Selasa, 27 September 2016

My Unforgettable Moment

       Hi! I would like to tell you about my unforgettable moment.

        When I was 8th grade, my seatmate was aditya. he had soo many pen and I wanted borrow the pen, because i loved the pen and it felt good when I used it. then my seatmate gave me the pen and im so happy. but, the ink of the pen soo spendthrift. and I felt the pen was useless because the ink goes out easely.

        My seatmate recommend me to suck the ink of the pen to the top. then, I tried to suck up the ink of the pen. afterwards, the ink was spill to my mouth and to my clothes. fortunately, my clothes was not dirty. and I hurried up went to bathroom to wash my mouth, my hand, and my clothes with my seatmate aditya. after that, we back to the class and I was laughed by all my classmate. but, i was given so many tissue by my friend. 

Thats all from me... thank you

Senin, 26 September 2016


        Hello! im back to tell my story about Megantara. Megantara is a culture festival. Megantara was held in lapangan bali on saturday, 10 September 2016. this event shows Indonesian's culture from sumatera to papua. the ticket price is 30k for presale, and 35k for on the spot.
        So the event opened gate at 11.35 and close gate at 15.30. but the 10th grade had to come at 07.00 by wearing pangsi. the 10th grade must join a parade before the megantara began. after parade, I went to my home. after that, i went to school and prepare my friends for culture fashion show. then, we went to lapangan bali.
        in Megantara, there are so many traditional foods and food this event, I met my old friends then we ate and walked around together. it was a nostalgic moment.
        there are so many amazing performance. especially RAN, and The Changcuters. they were so amazing and amuse the audience. i was really tired but im so happy.

Minggu, 25 September 2016


       Hi! this is my second post, and I would like to tell you about event on my school SMAN 3 Bandung.
       on saturday, 20th august 2016 SMAN 3 Bandung held a tournament for 3'2018 or 11th grade and 3'2019 or 10th grade. My class is X science 9 and play with class XI science 9. We use black clothes for the class dresscode. The tournament started from lapangan bali. Before that, all students are told a tournament rules by the comittee. In this tournament, we must speak english to everyone.
       We move from lapangan bali to Tongkeng park. in that place, we must to made a robot from cardboard but my class lost in first game. next, we move to photography park. in that post, my friends muhtadi and fariz play 'twister'. but, the result is draw. after that, we had rest and back to the school. in the next post we choose 3 people to play Tekken and our class win in this game. in the next post, my friend gemintang lost his handphone and made him sad. after that, we had rest and pray.
        After pray, we move to the next post at 'bangsal'. we played PES 2016 (Pro Evolution Soccer) on the laptop. my class use bayern munchen and my opponent use real madrid. the result was 4-0 for my class. on the last game, 3'2019 and 3'2018 had to solve the puzzle. and finally, 3'2019 was win. it was a really tiring day, but im so happy, and the event give me a lot of knowledge.

that's all from me, thank you

Senin, 19 September 2016


About Me

       Hello, My name is Muhammad Azhiman Prihadi, you can call me Aji, Jimen or Maman. I was born in Bandung Januari, 12th 2001 at Borromeus Hospital. I live at Jalan Sumatera number 27 Bandung with my parents and my brother, i'm the second child and i'm the youngest. i ussualy speak sundanese and indonesian languange.

       Now, I'm 15 years old. My hobbies are playing basketball, listening to music, playing football or futsal, playing guitar. Stephen Curry and Sungha Jung are my idol because they are professional player and guitarist. 

        When i was 5 years old, i started my education at TKIT Pusdai in Bandung. Then started the elementary school at SDPN Sabang Bandung. I continued my study in junior high school. I studied at SMPN 1 Bandung. Now, I study in senior high school at SMAN 3 Bandung